
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Storyteller's Corner: Using the Brood

Many Requiem ST's make a grievous mistake of how they use the members of Belial's Brood as antagonists. All too often, they are regulated to little more than the same purpose as orcs in a fantasy game, being that they are worthless fodder for the PC's to cut down without a second thought.

First, let us cover what the Brood are not, and unfortunately what they are often portrayed as. They are not, for the most part, mindless thugs looking to flippantly breach the Masquerade and cause havoc. Whereas they do go on a rampage on occasion, especially the members of the Pandemonium, such activities would only lead to their quick destruction, and their end goal is for not.

There are several factions amongst the Brood whom are more subtle with their work, and whom actually have goals that are not merely anarchy and wanton destruction. Brood are more like terrorists than an invading force. They have limited resources in a territory that they generally do not claim, and therefore, they have to be smart about what they do. Charging Elysium with claws and fangs bared is never a good idea, as it usually ends with minimal effect, and afterwards, the Kindred of the city realize that their gathering has been compromised, and move on to a new location.

Terrorism is the use of violence or the threat of violence, to instill fear in a target for purposes of obtaining political goals. A person whom carries out such acts is a terrorist, though the term is often used to describe political dissidents as well.

As defined by the United States Department of Defense, "Terrorism is a very specific type of violence, although the term is often applied to other kinds of violence felt to be unacceptable. Typical terrorist actions include assassinations, kidnappings, bombings, drive-by shootings, lynchings, hijackings, and random killing."

Remember, the Brood are vampires first, and even though the majority of them might be little more than savage foot soldiers, there are generals who are careful to use their resources to full effect. What do they really gain by throwing a dozen of their soldiers at a well fortified enemy? Obviously the Brood wouldn't do that, and instead they would resort to acts of guerrilla war, fighting against an obviously superior enemy. Thus, I've compiled a list of things that Brood can do in order to make them seem more of an actual threat against your local characters.

Opening Moves:
This stage of the Brood's occupation is set up by a number of ghouls belonging to the Doulosi Revenant family. The ghouls arrive in town, and begin preparing disposable havens for the Brood through either direct purchase of property, blackmailing the owners, finding a suitable location that the owners will not return for some time (seasonal residents), etc. They also 'lightproof' the interior through use of dark colored tarps duct taped over the insides of windows (behind the blinds so that it isn't readily apparent from outside), or by targeting homes that already have extensive 'hurricane protection'.
The Revenants also begin to spread their own influence throughout the city, so that they can effectively gather intelligence or neutralize the PC's influences.

The Brood clone a PC's cell phone and begin making phone calls that give counter orders and sow confusion. This can be easily used to send favored ghouls and members of the city into ambushes. Cloning a phone is the process used to make one phone appear as another, which will often make calls appear to come from one phone (such as the Prince's), while in actuality coming from another. There are several varying ways to clone phones, much of which can be found on the internet.

Bag and Tag:
Kidnap a PC, ensure that the Brood have a method of tracking them, and let them go, generally leaving them torpored in a location that easily found by their allies, or by having them conveniently rescued from a small pack of lesser Brood (read acceptable losses). The PC can either be Conditioned to return to the Brood after a set amount of time (with Forgetful Mind covering up the act of Conditioning), or the combination of the Investments Mark of Hunger's Prey (Belial's Brood p.136) and Scent of Socius (Belial's Brood p.133). Such a combination only lasts for a number of nights, during which the Brood may track them and make note of their activities. The PC should be fully unaware of either act, unless they learn of the Forgetful Mind.

Epidemic Scare:
One way to create a panic in a society and to destroy an enemy is to deny them a resource that they need for survival. For Kindred, there main resource they require is blood, the very blood that pumps through mortal stock. The easiest way to deny blood to the Kindred populace is through a blood borne illness. Whereas a Morbus would be readily capable of spreading an infection via mystical means, more practical methods can be used by a Brood cell without a member of the bloodline. Hypodermic needles hidden in pay phone change slots in the downtown or nightclub district, a mortal Conditioned to jab people with infected needles, or a Retainer that works in the hospital whom is capable of infecting the supply of fresh blood (such as a phlebotomist), are all viable methods for delivery. Once a Kindred feeds from one of the tainted supplies, they too become a carrier for the disease, spreading their very anathema. Once the media or medical facility realizes they have an epidemic in a medical facility, all suspect blood is destroyed, also possibly causing lean times for a kindred whom relied upon that same facility for sustenance.

Fight Fire with Fire:
The biggest advantage an entrenched Invictus or Carthian PC has is his mortal influences. The Brood, specifically the Nameless faction, also have their own mortal influences, relying upon the Doulosi ghoul family. When the PC's learn that their mortal agents have been encountering difficulties with a previously unknown faction of influences that are all aimed at targeting their influences, it creates an influence war.

This tactic also creates a method for the characters that have focused upon such aspects to get involved and share the limelight.

The Inside Job:
The easiest way to get around the defenses of a maximum security location is to turn someone whom is already regularly granted access past the security measures. The Brood can already assure that any retainers that are allowed that close to any paranoid Kindred are already under multiple stage vinculum and possibly under various Dominate commands. Therefore, they must contact the Retainer while they are away from their regnant, such as when they go about daylight business, which requires the Brood to utilize Retainers of their own. Once they meet with the target Retainer, they need to convince them of how lowering the defenses, or doing one little thing for them, is well within the best interest of their regnant. Hence a liberal application of Majesty as well as the Investment of Predator's Allure (Belial's Brood, p.141) might be needed.

A single Brood member, perhaps a former member of the Lancea Sanctum, or the Circle of the Crone, enters the city, and proclaims themselves a member of either Covenant. If no one bothers to investigate their story too closely, they can pass themselves off as a member of that Covenant for long enough to cause some internal damage. Learning where the Sanctified Churches are, or the holy spots where the Acolytes gather, they can send their allies amongst the Brood to defile or destroy the location, and, to stir up a holy war, they simply frame members of the other Covenant, possibly with only using iconographic graffiti. Once those two factions are fighting amongst themselves, it neutralizes most of the mystical abilities that a city can call forth.

Roses are Red:
A kindred is king of his castle, lord of his domain. A predator needs to have his territory, and within his den, his sanctuary, he has the sense of security. By far, the easiest way to penetrate his defenses, without actually staging an assault, is to arrange a florist to deliver flowers with a veiled message. Not only does it reveal that the Brood know where they live, but that the target is defenseless. This will put a target on edge, or possibly even anger Frenzy when they realize what has just happened, causing them to be their own worst enemy.

Bank Robbery:
Many terrorist organizations fund their efforts through bank robberies. Unfortunately, most branches shut their doors long before dark, therefore, a heist requires that it be done by either ghouls, or mortals whom have either been convinced to commit the robbery, or whom have no free will to argue against the desires of their master. A robbery should be thoroughly planned out, possibly by having pawns enter during normal business hours and pulling the information from their mind. A successful robbery never bothers with going for the contents of the vault itself, but rather empties the registers of a few thousand dollars. Once the perpetrators successfully escape and elude authorities, the Brood can dispose of them, leaving a nigh unsolvable crime.

A more profitable version of this scenario involves a longer term 'sleeper agent' whom is employed by an armored car service, whom robs the vehicle from within.

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